Investor activity in April 2016

Investor activity in April 2016

Equity trading on the Main Market as part of the order book reached in April, the value of 2016 13,2 billion zł, ie 20,8% less than the year before. The average daily value of trading in shares in the framework of the order book on the Main Market was on April 2016. 626,9 million zł, while a NewConnect – 4,5 million zł.

The value listed on the Catalyst market bond issue at the end of April on 2016. 71,3 billion zł, an increase of 8,6% year on year. The total value of trading on the Catalyst market grew by 18,2% compared to April 2015 r., To the level 213,2 million zł. In April, the NC index was a decline, like other indexes presented. Once again, the increase can boast WIG-Ukraine 9.16%.
In April, we reported on the regulated market debuts 2 ana NewConnect debut is not no company
In the 03.07.2016 dn will come into force new rules of the EC (EU 596 / 2014, Market Abuse Directive) changing information obligations. Details in the summary.