Current statistics of the anti-crisis shield (as of April 20, 2020)

Current statistics of the anti-crisis shield (as of April 20, 2020)

Applications for exemption from contributions and parking

The Social Insurance Institution has already received 1.6 million applications for assistance from the anti-crisis shield:
• 1.53 million of these are applications for exemption from contributions and applications for parking benefit for self-employed workers
• 34.3 thous. these are applications for parking benefits for contractors
• 279.3 thousand are parking applications for people running a business

The first parking benefits were paid on April 15, 2020. This concerned over 86,000 applicants whose accounts received over 172 million PLN in total. Another 6.5 million PLN went to applicants on Monday, April 20.

Loan and loan applications

After expanding the number of people entitled to a low-interest loan of up to 5,000 PLN from PUP, the number of applications increased for all micro-entrepreneurs and resulted in 175 thousand submitted applications. The government estimated that nearly 2 million entrepreneurs will apply for the loan. Therefore, less than 10% of those entitled have submitted their applications at the moment.

Bank customers submitted 633 thousand applications for so-called credit holidays. As a result, the banks postponed loan installments worth at least PLN 18 billion PLN. 470 thousand of them were approved, i.e. 86% of all submitted applications. By 20 April their number had almost doubled. The vast majority of them are entities from the SME sector. The total value of deferred loan installments for entrepreneurs is almost 24 billion PLN.

Current statistics of the anti-crisis shield (as of April 20, 2020)