Below is the current price list of accounting services of Progress Holding Sp z o. o.
The cost of bookkeeping services usually constitutes a small part of all expenses and is lower the higher the company’s sales are. The pricelist of bookkeeping services looks different depending on the form of documentation: whether it is a lump sum, revenue and expense ledger or full accounting.
The prices of bookkeeping are obviously dependent on the number of cost and sales documents generated, but the price list of bookkeeping services will also be influenced by, among other things: the time it takes the accountants to process the documentation, the scope of additional services (e.g. tax advice or HR and payroll services). When choosing an accountancy firm, it is important to look not at the prices themselves, but at the range of services the firm offers that are actually useful in a particular case.
In this respect, each firm is slightly different. It is worth remembering, however, that if the prices of accounting services are low, it is very suspicious and one doubts the quality of accounting services: not every accountant has the knowledge and experience needed to fill in even industry-specific documents correctly. For the same reasons, most of the prices given in the price lists are only indicative or average values, which will be detailed by individual agreement.
Please note that selected services are cheaper in the framework of ongoing service.
Price list valid as of: 29.01.2024