Successful debut of X-Trade Brokers

Successful debut of X-Trade Brokers

XTB, an operator of mid-forex, made his debut with the opening price 11,55 zł per share, ie 0,4% above the issue price, the maximum price on the first day was such 12,04 4,7% above the issue price on the trading 14,7 million zł. Capitalization XTB is 1,4 billion zł



T / (sale of existing shares)

the selling price of the shares in the public offering

11,50 zł

reference price

11,50 zł

IPO value *

188.987.653,50 zł

value of the company *

1.349.911.802,50 zł

the value of the shares covered by the application *

1.349.911.802,50 zł

% Free float in shares included in the application


value of the above. free float *

191.296.278,50 zł

% Free float in all actions


value of the above. free float *

191.296.278,50 zł

Global Coordinator

JP Morgan