Residence permit in Poland. Terms and Conditions

Residence permit in Poland. Terms and Conditions

A residence permit in Poland (Zezwоlenie na zamieszkanie na czas określony) is a temporary residence permit that gives a foreigner the right to reside and be officially employed on the territory of the Republic of Poland, depending on the validity period of the permit (it can be issued for a period of 3 months to 3 years).

If a residence permit is given to a foreigner, then on the basis of this a document person receives a Stay Card (Karta pobytu). These concepts are often confused. A residence permit is a legal permission to stay in the country, a Stay Card is a document confirming these rights. The document is a plastic card (biometric document of the European standard), which gives the right and performs the following functions:

  • As an identity card of a foreigner
  • Confirms and specifies expiration date
  • Gives the right to freely enter, leave and live (but not work) in the Schengen countries for a period not exceeding 90 days in total, within six months
  • Provides access to health care and education
  • Gives the right to send children to public kindergartens and schools
  • Gives the right to purchase movable and immovable property
  • Allows you to take out a mortgage
  • As a consequence, allows you to obtain permanent residence and Polish citizenship.

Depending on the type of permit, there are differences with the Stay Card:

  • Temporary Residence Card (Karta czasowego pobytu) – confirms the obtainment of a residence permit in Poland for a period of 3 to 36 months
  • Permanent Stay Card (Karta stalego pobytu) – confirms permanent residence for up to 10 years.

A residence permit cannot be extended, if it has ended, the process of its registration must be either repeated, or you must leave the territory of Poland.


Main requirements for a candidate to obtain a residence permit in Poland

A residence permit in Poland is a fairly simple way to obtain a permit to live and work in one of the European countries. However, this does not mean that this permit can be issued to everyone. There are a number of requirements that must be taken into consideration in order to obtain a residence permit in Poland. Let’s consider them in more detail:

  • Age – from 18 years old
  • No criminal record in the country of origin
  • No unfulfilled orders (judicial, administrative, etc.)
  • Possession of a work permit, contract or employment contract, data from the previous place of work (may be requested additionally), payment of fees in ZUS
  • For students – documents on enrollment (for the initial receipt of a residence permit), information on the continuation of education, evidence of solvency for education and accommodation
  • Availability of housing in the country – rented or owned
  • Availability of medical insurance
  • Availability of financial solvency. It is necessary to submit documents confirming the existence of a stable source of income for living in Poland, detailed figures depend on the number of people in the family after taxes and housing expenses, please contact
  • Provide your fingerprints.


Who can get a residence permit in Poland

According to the legislation, there are a number of official grounds for obtaining a residence permit (Stay Card) in Poland. All of them are distinguished by special requirements for applicants, as well as the necessary documentary evidence. Let’s consider all the options in more detail.


This is one of the most popular ways to obtain a residence permit. The basis for issuing a residence permit in this case will be the existence of a signed contract with a Polish employer for labor activity (this also applies to seasonal work). The main task is the preliminary search for official work. The employer must guarantee the employee’s wages and obtain permission from the Labor Office. A residence permit based on employment is issued for the full period of the employment contract.

  • Running a business or owning a business.To obtain a residence permit in this way, a member of the board of the Polish “LLC” can work on the basis of his election, but at the same time without receiving a salary and without paying taxes from it. At the same time, the company must bring a certain profit in favor of the Polish economy. This permit is also issued to those who intend to manage a joint-stock company (spółkaakcyjna), is a general partner or a trusted representative. Otherwise, the applicant must provide the availability of funds that he can invest in the Polish economy. For detailed info please contact us

Education in Poland.

Daylight education at a Polish university is also the basis for obtaining a residence permit. A residence permit is issued to students, as well as doctoral students and students of preparatory courses who need to stay in Poland for more than 3 months. Students of universities with a residence permit are allowed to work without obtaining an additional permit. The first residence permit is valid for 1 year, then it can be obtained for 3.

Marriage with a Polish citizen.

Creating a family with a citizen of the state immediately allows you to get a temporary residence permit for 24 months with the possibility of prolongation for 36 months. After this period, you can apply for permanent residence. You can register a marriage both in official state institutions and with the help of church ceremonies. Spouses need to be prepared for the fact that marital relations will be carefully checked by unexpected visits of officials, interviewing neighbors and other legal means, since the state is very strict about fictitious marriages concluded only for immigration.

Family reunion.

Another way to obtain a residence permit is the presence of relatives – citizens of Poland. On the basis of family reunification, an immigrant must provide an invitation from a close relative (parents, children, spouses), as well as confirmation of the financial capabilities and living conditions of the host country. This option of obtaining a residence permit also makes sense for pensioners if their children live in Poland.

By origin.

To acquire a residence permit in Poland is possible for those who can prove the presence of Polish roots. If at least one of the relatives up to the second generation (mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers) are Poles, then the applicant can immigrate under a preferential repatriation scheme.


Poland is a member of the Geneva Convention. In accordance with this, the authorities of the state undertake to provide asylum to this category of citizens.


List of required documents for obtaining a residence permit in Poland

The list of documents may vary depending on the basis on which you apply for a residence permit. Regardless of the reason for obtaining a Stay Card, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main package of documents:

  • Standard questionnaire. Please note that the questionnaire must be filled out in Polish, in block letters, necessarily in 2 copies. Remember that any Russian (English, Ukrainian, etc.) word will lead to the rejection of documents, and you will not receive a residence permit in Poland
  • Passport and its copies. It must have a sufficient validity period, and is issued in accordance with all the rules. 3 copies should be made (the requirement applies to all completed pages), and submitted along with the original of the document itself
  • Photographs should not be older than 6 months, in standard size of 3.5 x 4.5 cm. Please note that they must be with a left (not right) profile
  • Documents that give the right to obtain a residence permit in Poland are legal employment (work permit, employment contract), family reunification (marriage certificate + documents of a spouse already residing in Poland), studies (certificate of admission to the university), etc. .d.
  • Conformation of payment of state duty
  • Medical insurance. Please note that the “correct” insurance of the applicant for a residence permit in Poland should cover the entire period of your stay in the country and be sufficient for minimal treatment. What, given the prices of medical services, is especially important
  • Biometric data. Most often it is fingerprints.
  • Confirmation of sufficient financial capacity. The amount should be much larger – at least 800 PLN per person per month for the entire stay in the country. Plus, there must be separate funds on the account for a return ticket
  • The best option is your own apartment or house, but the likelihood that you will have the funds to buy real estate is not very high. Allowed options – “long” lease (need a signed contract)
  • Registration – only at the address of actual residence
  • Birth certificate in the original + the same document in Polish (only translations made by an authorized translator are accepted)
  • PESEL number (similar to a personal identification number). Recently, PESEL is required not always and not everywhere, but the formal condition still remains
  • Receipt of tuition fees or document on free education (for students)

You may be asked to provide additional documents, specifically for your specific justification for obtaining a residence permit, in that case they will need to be submitted within 7 days.



Polish legislation establishes a number of restrictions on obtaining a temporary residence permit. These include:

  • Non-compliance by a foreigner with the requirements for issuing a residence permit, depending on the legal ground.
  • Finding the applicant in the list of persons whose stay on the territory of Poland is undesirable
  • Entering information about a foreigner into the database of the Schengen countries in order to refuse entry
  • Potential danger of the applicant for the state and public peace
  • You have problems with the law (temporary detention, arrest, initiation of a criminal case, ban on entry into Poland or any EU country, outstanding conviction)
  • You are legally required to return to your country of permanent residence
  • You must leave the territory of the country due to the cancellation of a previously issued permit.

Also, you can not violate the rules for passing the registration procedure – submit erroneous personal data, present false information, forge and change documents, failure to fulfill tax obligations. And also apply for a residence permit during an illegal stay in the country.


Provision of services for obtaining a residence permit in Poland

If your intentions is to work and live in Poland for a long time, then obtaining a residence permit becomes mandatory. For the legal registration of a residence permit in Poland, there are many ways, and the procedure itself is quite simple. The main thing is not to mislead the migration service and to comply with all the required formalities.

Progress Holding is ready to assist you in obtaining a residence permit, subject to all the above requirements and on an official basis.

IMPORTANT! We would like to highlight that we do not provide services for registration and obtaining a residence permit for those candidates who are looking for work. We only work with clients who already have an official work permit or employment contract, which they can provide us with as a supporting document.

We would also like to remind you that in order to avoid unpleasant situations with employment, check your future employers. There are many options for cheating when hiring. The main sign of illegal employment is the absence of an employment contract (original with the seal) or its translation into the native language of a foreigner.

In order to check the company, you can use the Polish databases of companies and enterprises KRS, REGON number. The company must be officially registered, not have debts to the budget, not be involved in violation of labor laws.

If you need help in obtaining a residence permit or you have additional questions on paperwork – write to us, we will always be happy to help you: