Preparation of NIP 8, certificate of residency CFR1, non-arrears in taxes certificate

US lub ZUS dla osób fizycznych, CFR, NIP 8, rejestracja CRBR

In the course of running the business, it is required to obtain various types of certificates from authorities. Progress Holding obtains the required certificates for companies as an additional service. The most common certificates include:

  1. clearance certificate for tax social insurance ZUS
  2. certificate of residence – CFR
  3. declaration of bank accounts and business addresses (NIP 8)
  4. certificate of no criminal record,
  5. excerpt from the National Court Register

If we are not specialists in a given subject, we find an expert on the market and pass on the contact information.

Progress Holding registers the company governmental authorities in Poland. The most common registrations concern:

  1. Registration or renewal of VAT registration
  2. Register of ultimate beneficial owners (UBO) in CRBR
  3. Obtaining EORI export registration
  4. Registration of the company with the Statistical Office

Obtaining certificates from other offices