What is PIT-11 in Poland - profit and loss for the particular year
At the beginning of each year, employers in Poland must send their employees the PIT-11 document – profit and loss account for the previous year.
People living and receiving income in Poland have tax liabilities, and this in turn obliges them to pay tax on the amount of all earned income. Throughout the year, the employer makes transfers from the employee’s salary to the Polish tax service, health insurance and social funds. These deductions are taxes and represent the difference between gross and net wages. These deductions constitute advances. They are not calculated down to the penny, so there may be underpayment or overpayment of taxes. The employer is therefore obliged to provide you and the tax office with the completed PIT-11 document. The deadline for submitting PIT-11 is the last day of February if the employer submits the PIT 11 calculation to the tax office in electronic form, or on the last day of January if the employer submits PIT -11 to the tax office in paper form.
On the basis of this declaration (PIT-11), the employee must submit to the Tax Office a declaration of income in the form of PIT-37 or PIT-36 by 30 April. All income, expenses, contributions and advances should be transferred from the PIT-11 declaration to the appropriate columns of PIT-36 and PIT-37 forms.
If you have received PIT-11 from several sources, the amounts from the same fields in many PITs must be added and the sum is transferred to the appropriate field in the annual PIT.
IMPORTANT! If you have not received PIT-11, you must first apply for this form to the employer, the accountant, and if this does not help, you have the right to notify the tax office about the employer’s breach of his obligations, and a fine may be imposed on him. Lack of PIT-11 does not release the employee from the obligation to submit the PIT-36 or PIT-37 annual tax return.
Progress Holding provides accounting services for the company by filling in PIT-11, PIT-36 or PIT-37, if you want to learn more or order a service, write to us at office@progressholding.pl
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