Anti-crisis shield – II pillar

Anti-crisis shield - II pillar

Business loans and credits

• Low interest / non-repayable loans for companies

Micro companies that employ no more than 9 employees will be able to receive a loan of 5,000 PLN. The loan paid out by the Labor Fund will be non-refundable if the company does not dismiss its employees for the next 3 months.

• Extending working capital loans

The ending revolving loan term will be able to be resumed automatically. The bank will calculate your creditworthiness based on financial data as at the end of 2019.

• BGK de minimis guarantee for SMEs

By the end of 2020, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises will be able to obtain a loan with a de minimis guarantee up to 3.5 million PLN. This change allows you to cover guarantees up to 80% of the loan. No commission will be charged on existing or due guarantees.

• Support from ARP for transport companies

IDA will allocate 1.7 billion PLN to refinance current lease agreements. This is a solution for transport companies that have financial problems due to the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, you will be able to take advantage of the offset payment of leasing installments.

Exemption from social security contributions

Micro-entrepreneurs and self-employed people are entitled to exemption from ZUS contributions for a period of 3 months, but also to the Labor Fund, Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund, Solidarity Fund, Bridging Pension Fund and health insurance.
The condition for dismissal is conducting business activity before February 1st, 2020.
Exemption from contributions will be due if the income from business activity in the month preceding the submission of the application was not higher than 300% of the forecasted average monthly gross salary in the national economy in 2020.

A new opportunity for companies – back settlement of tax losses in CIT and PIT

PIT and CIT taxpayers who, due to COVID19, incurred a loss on non-agricultural economic activity in 2020, may reduce this income or income from economic activity in 2019 by the amount of this loss, respectively. The reduction is one-off and may not be greater than by 5 million PLN. In order to take advantage of the deduction of loss, an adjustment must be made to the tax return for 2019. Taxpayers who have achieved cumulative income in 2020 can benefit from the reduction in income (income)
income from business activities lower by at least 50% compared to 2019 Uncounted loss amount for 2020, taxpayers will be able to continue to settle also on the current general rules.

KUKE Trade Insurance

During a coronavirus pandemic, there is a risk that commercial companies may limit their insurance limits. Regulations will be implemented that will enable increased financing of KUKE in the field of trade insurance in Poland and abroad.

Progress Holding provides services in the preparation and submission of applications for concessions and loans related to the anti-crisis shield. Write to us at


Anti-crisis shield – II pillar