Changes in tax deductible costs in companies from 01 01 2020 – WHITE LIST OF TAX PAYERS

Changes in tax deductible costs in companies from 01 01 2020 - WHITE LIST OF TAX PAYERS

From 01.01.2020, all Polish companies for purchase transactions from PLN 15,000, executed with a Polish company are required to check whether the contractor’s bank account is on the WHITE LIST OF TAX PAYERS.

If the contractor’s bank account is not on the WHITE LIST OF TAX PAYERS, expenses cannot be included in the tax deductible costs. The taxpayer has one more chance, namely within 3 days he will inform the Tax Office of such a transaction. If the transaction is below PLN 15,000 gross, there is no obligation to check the bank account of the contractor on the WHITE LIST OF TAX PAYERS

Progress Holding will keep you informed about the implementation of this provision and will provide its clients with accounting consultations.