Changes in the National Court Register (KRS) for Limited Liability Companies – how and when they should be made

Changes in the National Court Register (KRS) for Limited Liability Companies - how and when they should be made

An entrepreneur running an enterprise in the form of a company, regardless of its legal form, is subject to entry in the National Court Register. In the course of the company’s operations, the data subject to the entry obligation may change, which results in the obligation to notify the changes that have occurred to the register.

Data subject to entry in the National Court Register

  • name or company under which it operates,
  • legal form,
  • seat and address,
  • conducting business activities with other entities on the basis of a civil partnership agreement,
  • the amount of share capital,
  • information whether a shareholder may have one or more shares,
  • number of shares owned by shareholders and their total amount,
  • information on whether the share capital has been paid up or not.

What changes are subject to notification for entry in the National Court Register

  • designation of the body authorized to represent the entity and its members, with an indication of the manner of representation,
  • designation of supervisory authorities with their personal composition,
  • regarding proxies and the type of proxy,
  • designation of the person authorized by the foreign entrepreneur to represent him in the branch,
  • mentions of the suspension of members of the body,
  • subject of activity according to the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD),
  • information on the submission of the financial statements,
  • information on the submission of a resolution or decision to approve the financial statements,
  • information on the day ending the financial year.

How to change an entry in the National Court Register

Entry in the register is made upon request. The application for entry is submitted on a paper form or on the form available in the S24 system. When submitting the application, the applicant pays the court fee, and if the entry is subject to publication – also the fee for the announcement in the Court and Economic Monitor. Applications submitted electronically should be signed with a verified electronic signature or a signature confirmed by the ePUAP trusted profile.