How to set up a company in Poland? – information for a citizen of Ukraine

How to set up a company in Poland? - information for a citizen of Ukraine

Basic legal aspects

Registering a company in Poland is an excellent solution for Ukrainian entrepreneurs who plan to enter the European Union market. Poland belongs to the EU countries and is subject to all norms and standards of conducting activity in its territory.
Laws and legal regulations in Poland open up excellent prospects for private enterprise in the country – a private company is protected by the state, and its registration is much easier and faster than in Ukraine. In addition, Poles are closer to Ukrainians, even mentally, so it will be easier to do business.
One of the most common types of business activity of our fellow citizens in Poland is export and import trade. Given the low cost of goods in Ukraine, they can easily be bought on the domestic market, and then exported and sold in Poland or other EU countries.

How to open a company in Poland? The most important information

Before registering a company in Poland, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic legal norms and regulations of the organization of an enterprise in this country.
Normative legal acts and standards of conducting business in Poland mean a lot of freedom in the organization of economic activity, subject to the implementation of mandatory actions aimed at legalizing the company’s operations.
Company registration in Poland is a quick and simple process for Ukrainian citizens. This lasts up to a month. You can then apply for a residence permit. This formality takes about half a year. The cost of registering a business in Poland is around 1000 euros. In addition to this amount, you should also add a certain amount to your company’s open balance, depending on the type of organization and company registration form (min. 1250 EURO), which will be taken into account as the initial share capital of the new enterprise. Foreigners from countries covered by the Free Trade Area or those who have officially received a residence permit, as well as refugees, are free to organize any preferred type of activity on a legal basis. All other groups of foreigners are entitled to operate only after registering the company in Poland in the form of one of the organizational and legal types officially registered on the basis of applicable regulations. Economic activity in Poland must be conducted within the framework of types of business organization specified by law:

– Limited partnership.
– Joint-stock company.
– Limited liability company.
– External branches.

The opening of a company in Poland by a Ukrainian citizen is subject to taxation, the most important of which is VAT and income tax for Polish companies. It is calculated according to three different tariffs:
• Zero rates are applied to export products – some pharmaceutical products, educational literature and agricultural products.
• A reduced VAT rate of 7% applies to the main part of pharmaceutical goods, construction materials, as well as services and journalism.
• Standard 23% VAT rate.

How to register a company in Poland? It is necessary to prepare an electronic document (if the company is registered online) or before a notary public. Then the company must be registered in the Commercial Court of the Republic of Poland in the unified Commercial Register. The company will receive an individual number that will be immediately registered with the Social Security Board.
The final stage of the official registration of a company in Poland is the opening of a legal bank account and submission of an application for registration with the country’s Tax Office.