New activity report on the WSE in 03 2017

New activity report on the WSE in 03 2017

In March, there was only 1 debut Unimot SA moved from NewConnect to the WSE Main Market. The first quarter was in poor debuts on the WSE Main List of the company 2 appeared only passing NewConnect, they gathered together 99 million zł, debuted on the NewConnect market or acquiring companies including 2 6 million zł. But in the

WIG2017 quarter 20 11,7 and gained NCIndex 11%. Investors believe in a better corporate results, which is confirmed in the GDP growth forecasts. A big impact on this situation turn out a good mood on leading global exchanges. As long as the Polish economy will show dynamic growth forecast at 3%, you can expect Polish growth indices. I do not mind the lack of the President of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

WSE maintains strict adherence rugulaminu Stock Exchange. In March punished kilkadzieisit companies and authorized advisors which we describe below. In March segmentation verified NewConnect. NC Focus segment (a group which obtains the best performance) qualified 92 company.