New law on assistance for Ukrainians

New law on assistance for Ukrainians

New law on assistance for Ukrainians

Polish Sejm adopted an amendment to the law on assistance to Ukrainian citizens. The draft, among other things, extends the legality of the stay of Ukrainians in Poland who have been assigned a UKR PESEL number and 800 plus benefits.

The bill provides for the introduction of new rules for confirming the identity of a Ukrainian citizen applying for a PESEL number. The only way to confirm identity is to present a valid travel document. The draft further stipulates that from 1 July 2024, the financing of support in the form of accommodation and meals for refugees from Ukraine who are in a particularly difficult situation will only be possible on the basis of a signed agreement with the locally competent voivode or a person/institution acting on the voivode’s order.

The draft also envisages the termination of benefits related to the reimbursement of the costs of stay and board of war refugees incurred by owners of private premises. From 1 July, support for funding the taking of photographs and a one-off benefit of PLN 300 is also to be terminated.