Registration of a LLC company and sole proprietorship in Poland

Registration of a LLC company and sole proprietorship in Poland

JDG (sole proprietorship) and a “Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością – Sp. z o.o.” (limited liability company) are the two most frequently chosen forms of activity chosen in Poland. When setting up each of them, a number of formalities must be carried out and appropriate information and data must be collected to complete the necessary documents. In the following article, we will present the above-mentioned formalities before and after registration in order to quickly and easily set up your business in both of the above-mentioned cases.

  1. Limited liability company (online registration via the S24 system)

Data needed for registration:

  • Manufactured PESEL numbers (as a last resort, passports)
  • ePUAP account for electronic signature of documents
  • The amount of the initial capital of the company (minimum 5000 PLN)
  • Company name
  • The company’s address with a document confirming the place of business
  • Appointment of shareholders
  • Appointment of board members
  • Appointment of the company’s president
  • PKD numbers (services provided by the company, type of activity)

Activities after the registration of the company and its appearance in the National Court Register (National Court Register):

  • Registration of the company in CRBR (Central Register of Real Beneficiaries).
  • Application to ZUS (social insurance institution).
  • Submission of the NIP-8 document to the Tax Office.
  • Establishing a bank account for the company (the account should be entered in the NIP-8 document).
  • Registering the company as a VAT payer to the Tax Office using the VAT-R form along with a document confirming the business address (if the company wants to be a VAT payer and appear on the White List).
  • Submission of ZUS-PEL and UPL-1 documents if the settlements with ZUS and the Tax Office are to be made by an accounting firm on behalf of the company.
  1. One-person business activity (JDG) – registration in CEiDG (Central Register and Information on Economic Activity)

Data needed for registration:

  • PESEL number or passport
  • First name and last name
  • Parent names
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Business address
  • Name of the activity (must contain the name and surname of the founder)
  • PKD numbers (services provided by the company, type of activity)
  • Form of bookkeeping
  • Type of insurance and health insurance premium
  • Bank account number

Actions after the company’s registration and its appearance in the CEiDG register:

  • Registering the company as a VAT payer to the Tax Office using the VAT-R form along with a document confirming the business address (if the company wants to be a VAT payer and appear on the White List).
  • Submission of ZUS-PEL and UPL-1 documents if the settlements with ZUS and the Tax Office are to be made by an accounting firm on behalf of the company.

For more detailed information, please contact