Subsidies and co-financing for economic activity in Poland in 2019

Subsidies and co-financing for economic activity in Poland in 2019

Where to get financing?


At the end of 2018 there were announcements of planned subsidies for the purpose of economic activity, encouraging entrepreneurs to take advantage of this advantage. At this point, it is necessary to answer the question of what resources will be subsidies and who actually deals with granting them.

Means for setting, as well as business development in 2019 can be obtained indirectly from EU subsidies through national programs that rely on funding from the European Union (mainly regional programs for individual provinces). Here we will present a few briefly:


• Intelligent Development – a program that can be used in particular by micro, small and medium entrepreneurs as well as start-ups. Projects subject to co-financing are to contribute to the development of economic activity through investments, implementation of innovative products, or cooperation with research and development units;

• Eastern Poland – small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and start-ups can also benefit from this program. It allows you to help entrepreneurs operating or wishing to operate in the eastern part of the Polish (the program includes the following regions: Lubuskie, Podlaskie, Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie). Thanks to this program, co-financing for starting a business and its development will be possible;

• contest Polish Product of the Future – is a program organized by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), also for entrepreneurs operating on Polish territory, who can apply innovative product (product or technology) brought least the implementation stage or deployed into production for a maximum period 24 months before submitting the competition application.


There is also a Poland Prize competition created by PARP, which can also be joined by foreign start-ups that would like to run their business in Poland. It is worth knowing that registration of activities in Poland is not a requirement to enter the competition. It includes advisory, legal, accounting and product development services, including remuneration for those involved in its implementation.

Additional support that may be useful is the so-called soft landing, a dedicated path visa (especially helpful for start-ups from Slovakia, Belarus, and Ukraine), caregiver assistance in cases between banking and other official. The program also offers mentoring and networking, specialist technology consultancy and post-acceleration.

There are also programs such as “Vouchers for SME innovations”, Startup Platform, or the so-called “Pattern for competition”. It is worth getting acquainted with a number of programs to find one that will suit us best and allow our company to develop efficiently.


What, among other things, can be done thanks to the funds obtained?


Subsidies for entrepreneurs will allow not only to develop business activity, but also to start it.

Co-financing of economic activity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises may allow the purchase of a service from a given scientific unit consisting in the development of a new or significantly improved service, technology, product or simply a new design project (the program of “vouchers for SME innovation” allows this) run in the form of a competition, which can be accessed from 20 March 2019, and the deadline for submission of applications expires on November 28, 2019). Thanks to the competition “vouchers for innovation of SMEs”, and now speaking about its second stage, entrepreneurs will be able to allocate funding for the purchase of machinery and equipment necessary to implement technological innovation developed by the scientific unit, as well as the purchase of patents and licenses, and thus definitely develop the company.

New companies can receive enormous help through the received service packages, including assistance in creating the business foundations of the created enterprise, specialized services individually tailored to the idea, as well as broadly understood mentoring and the aforementioned tax, accounting and legal services. Start-up grants bring benefits to start-ups, because they can help them to stand in line with other enterprises and try to achieve their goals.

The Polish Product of the Future competition allows companies through a financial award for participation in seminars, congresses and conferences, access to foreign research and development infrastructure, consultancy in the implementation of process, organizational or marketing innovation or participation in fairs, economic missions or a program supporting development on markets foreign.