What makes up accounting services and what are their types

What makes up accounting services and what are their types

Simplified accounting

This accounting can be used by natural persons conducting business activity, by civil law partnerships of natural persons, partnerships of natural persons and partner companies. However, it is stipulated that net revenues from sales of goods, products and financial operations of the company for the previous tax year were not more than EUR 2 million in Polish currency.

Simplified accounting can appear in three forms:

– tax card: consists of paying a fixed, fixed amount each month. Its amount depends on the number of residents at the place of business, number of employees and type of activity. The appropriate tax rate is read from the table provided for this purpose.

– registered lump sum: consists of paying a specific rate depending on the amount of income. The flat rates are much lower than normal tax rates, however the payment is based on the volume of sales. It doesn’t matter if the company made any profit.

– revenue and expense ledger: the simple and most popular method of calculating tax, involving the addition of income and expenses in a special book and paying the tax on the difference. The tax is higher than for a flat rate, depending on the rate and level of income. His big plus is the no obligation to pay when no profit is made.

Full accounting

In the case of full accounting, we are dealing with a more formal and extensive system of recording economic events, used to thoroughly analyze and control the financial situation of a given company.

Full accounting uses a double system, literally every amount flowing through the company is recorded. These include cash receipts, bank transfers, loans, payments for goods / services, etc. Non-cash transactions that can affect financial results are also recorded. An example would be impairment of a fixed asset or threat of compensation.

Full accounting, also referred to as trading books or accounting books, must be kept by companies, including limited liability companies, joint-stock companies and capital companies (regardless of the form of business), which generated revenues of at least EUR 2 million last year in Polish currency, as well as by specific entities, including commercial companies, specific organizational units (e.g. banks), insurers, municipalities, poviats and voivodships.

Accounting services include:

• Keeping commercial and accounting books

• Warehouse records and fixed assets records

• Preparation of annual financial statements

• Preparation of tax returns and social security declarations

• HR and payroll services

• Removing accounting and tax arrears and auditing books

• Supervision of books kept by clients on their own

• Representing the Principal before public law bodies

For accounting services and inquiries regarding accounting services, please visit http://progressholding.pl/uslugi-ksiegowe/ksiegowosc-uslugi-ksiegowe-obsluga-kadrowo-placowa/